Why are sports-themed toys so Boy-Centric?
When my daughter turned nine, she asked for a new rugby ball for her birthday. My daughter has been throwing around a rugby ball since she was five years old. As a young girl, she was always one of the fastest up the wing to score the try with [...]
Laundry Care in Partnership with Smol
You always get a good feeling about a product when it is recommended by a friend, which is exactly how this collaboration came about. My friend recommended Smol to me, even though I had never heard of the brand name or the concept of what they were all about. [...]
Exploring London Bridge
A few times a week I walk over London Bridge for work meetings, but it is not that often that I stop and think about what I could do if I bring my family up here for the afternoon. Especially as the summer holidays started to draw to a [...]
Letting go of the Parenting Guilt
Back to school routine is already stressing me out and it’s not even here yet. I’m wondering if I am the only parent who hasn’t finishing sewing name labels into every damn item of my son’s new uniform? Queuing for ages for school shoes and cursing myself [...]
How to Embrace Alone Time
How do you find stillness amongst the chaos of life? Do you love to spend time alone? Do you find it difficult to relax? Would you walk into a cafe to have a coffee on your own without a care in the world? Nowadays I cherish it. I value [...]
Seeing Red with MAC Cosmetics
A few months ago, I was delighted to be invited to an exclusive event with MAC cosmetics to hear about the fantastic work they do under their VIVA GLAM campaign. The event was to celebrate and reflect on 25 years since MAC. started its fight against HIV and AIDS [...]
Heading to Uni? Top Tips for Parents
Saying goodbye to your teenager as they head into university campus on move-in day can be one of the hardest things you’ll do. For the first time, many students will live away from home and be self-sufficient. That doesn’t mean you disappear from their lives; but it’s unlikely you’ll [...]
How Finland Leads the Way in Flexible Working
According to an article published in Forbes earlier this year, women are now making up 40% of new entrepreneurs, it’s clear that more women are turning to entrepreneurship. We know women are not declining. We are getting stronger and more engaged in careers they love. Many are starting businesses. [...]
Managing A Level Results Day
Hundreds of thousands of teenagers will be waiting to receive their A-level results across the country tomorrow. With the recent changes to A-Levels introduced in 2017 teachers have expressed their concerns for student’s welfare and mental illness this coming results day. However, the UCAS social-media team available to answer [...]
Can Instagram Hiding Likes Reduce Social Pressures?
Instagram is everywhere and over the last few years, it has seen phenomenal growth. Instagram now has over one billion monthly active users with over 40 billion photos shared in total. The social media platform has soared since its release, and today 90% of the top 100 brands in [...]
My Top 10 Podcasts for Kids
We love a podcast and it only just occurred to me that it could also be great for my my children. The great thing about podcasts is that they cover a huge range of topics, giving your kids plenty of opportunities to learn more about what they really enjoy. [...]
Inspiring Interviews with Lulu & Nat
When former children’s fashion designer Watts moved to India with her husband over a decade ago, she was drawn to its vivid and colourful textiles and the skilled craftspeople who create them. Now living back in London, Lulu took all her inspiration from India to create her company, Lulu&Nat. [...]
A small step for women, a giant leap for womankind
Members of the Kennedy Space Center government-industry team rise from their consoles within the Launch Control Center to watch the Apollo 11 liftoff through a window. JoAnn Morgan is seated to the left of center in the third row. Credits: NASA Apollo 11, way back in 1969 saw the [...]
Brand Ambassdor for Colorland UK
I am so excited to announce that I have signed a brand ambassador partnership with Colorland UK. I will be working with them in the long term to show you their wide range of products as well as sharing my discount code 'GUILTYMOTHER' with you, so all my lovely [...]
The Rise of the Paperback Book
In a digital world, it could be easy to think that reading physical books would be dying off. However, you might be surprised to know that it is sales of ebooks which have been falling, down 4.9% from the same period in 2018. The good news, is that sales [...]
Keeping Kids Cool in a Heatwave
As much as we love to complain about the British weather, I think we can all agree...it is uncomfortably hot. The United Kingdom has been breaking records with July temperatures and many of us have flocked to paddling pools, beaches and rivers to cool down. In part, of course, [...]
The Organised Mum Method
Housework has a lot to answer for. Few people like it, most couples argue over it and when you've got little people running around the house, getting through the homework can often feel like an impossible task. As soon as you tidy one room, another is being destroyed in [...]
What we learnt from the Women’s World Cup
After the Women’s World Cup attracted a record TV audience total of 28.1 million in the U.K., the game should be ideally positioned to capitalise on this all-time high interest in a burgeoning sport. While participation in women’s football has steadily risen over recent years, there are still numerous [...]
Teaching Girls to Lift Each Other Up
As parents, we are often trying to encourage our girls to support their friends, to lift each other up and to not see each other as competition all the time. Phyllis Fagell, a professional school counsellor, spoke with a variety of experts for a recent Washington Post article to [...]
Hands Up for the C Grade Student
It is almost the end of the school summer term. A busy time for trophies and awards. I wanted to take a moment to salute those who don’t always get them. I remember being that kid. Apart from the hard work I put into my drama exams, the only [...]
Why walk-and-talk therapy is helpful for teens
I don't have any teenagers yet. I have a nine-year-old daughter. But, I have plenty of friends who have teenager children you like to remind me that the younger years are the 'easy bit'. I suppose it is fair to say that every stage of childhood brings different challenges. [...]