Inspiring Interview with Nicola Elliott Moss of NEOM Organics
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the founder of NEOM Organics, Nicola Elliott Moss. It was one of the most inspiring and uplifting interviews I have ever done. I am in awe of the business Nicola has created, its values and how she spotted a need for wellbeing [...]
The Spirit of Christmas
Alright, hands up. Who loves the 'Spirit of Christmas'? I would imagine that most of us do. The music, the wine, the food, the jumpers. The list goes on. But, as much as I enjoy the festivities, there are just a few things I want to get off [...]
Preparing kids for a future disrupted by technology
Research shows that using next generation tech in the right ways can make students smarter, more engaged and more creative inside and outside of the classroom. The challenge for educators is not to dismiss or keep up with students’ latest technological know-how, but to create meaningful learning experiences in [...]
Family Days Out at Longleat
I had wanted to visit Longleat for ages and when I was offered a free family day pass over the October half term to visit, we jumped at the chance to go. You may know this already, but Longleat is rich with history and charm. They have been welcoming [...]
What it takes to be an Entrepreneur
'ENTREPRENEUR'- It is a big word. It comes with equally big, and heavy responsibilities. But, can you handle that role and be an entrepreneur? All throughout our lives we may hear people saying that 'Entrepreneurs are born' or that 'It is not easy to be an entrepreneur'. But who [...]
Kalyves Beach Hotel – All Inclusive Family Resort in Crete
Many of us crave some final sunshine in October, but where to go? For the last two years in a row we have escaped in search of sunshine, sea and pool. This year, we found solace in the beautiful island of Crete. With temperatures averaging 23°C and plenty of [...]
Smiggle’s #BeKind Anti-Bullying Campaign
If you think that bullying is just a part of everyday school life, you're wrong. No-one deserves to be bullied and the problem should not be ignored. According to Young Minds, bullying affects over one million young people every year, and anyone can be bullied. Bullying can have upsetting [...]
Inspiring Interviews with SLEEP SENSE™ expert, Judy Clark
A few months ago, an email dropped into my inbox which really caught my attention. It was a press release in collaboration with Judy Clark, one of the world's leading child sleep expert. Following Judy's struggles with her own child's difficulties with sleeping and all too familiar with the [...]
How to be a Six-Year-Old
Many parents can’t help but wonder if their children are growing and developing at the right pace. Sometimes common milestones can be a helpful tool. But, remember that all children are different and special. Milestones are meant to be guidelines, not strict rules. What our children should know for [...]
Helping Kids Cope with Night Terrors
I am unsure if it’s something to do with back to school, but I’ve recently been speaking to several friends whose children have been suffering with night terrors. A night terror is a sleep disruption that seems similar to a nightmare but is far more dramatic. During these episodes, [...]
Inspiring Interviews with Lucy Baker
On a sunny Friday morning, I travelled to beautiful Whitstable in Kent to meet and chat to mum of three, Lucy Baker, also known to some as the blogger 'geriatric mum'. It was lovely to meet Lucy and find out more on her passions for building women's confidence and [...]
Why Women-only Adventure is Thriving
I had been reading about a few friends who had recently booked onto women only holidays or retreats. My friend, Cheryl AKA London Web Girl recently headed to far east with a female friend, followed by a female only body retreat in France. So, could this be an area [...]
Women Returners – Why it Matters
Firstly, I must start by getting something off my chest. There are bundles of talented women out there - and I mean bundles. On every corner of every town or city, there is a talented woman who might be looking for an opportunity to have a career around the [...]
Top Tips for Flying with Little Ones
If you’re flying somewhere with young kids for October half term, we know flying with toddlers is often tricky. In fact, according to surveys done by, seat kickers and inattentive parents rank up there with aromatic passengers (those who lack in hygiene or overindulge in perfume) as the [...]
Inspiring Interview with At Dad’s Table
Earlier in the year, I had the pleasure of meeting Adam Shaw, also known as At Dad's Table. Ever since we met, I said he would be a great to kick start series two of inspiring interviews and bish, bash, is it! I adore his family friendly approach [...]
Can’t Sleep While Pregnant?
With 80% of women finding it difficult to get comfy at night, it’s to no surprise that over 60% of women in pregnancy report insomnia. In a study of over 2400 women, all of them reported waking at night during pregnancy- and with most pregnant women experiencing sleep problems, [...]
Are Teens Getting what they need?
Do you think your teen sleeps in too late? Are they out too much? Do you ever end up confiscating their phone? What does your teen think about this? Jama Paediatrics have provided convincing evidence in their latest UK publication of sleep, physical activity and screen time playing a [...]
How My Forties could be my Best Yet
When I was in my mid-thirties, I couldn’t even contemplate turning forty. I did not even consider myself as an actual grown up until I found myself completing an online application and spinning the wheel to get to my year of birth. It seems as if time stands still [...]
Tommy’s Tell Me Why Campaign
On 9th September 2019, I was humbled to be invited to the launch of Tommy’s new campaign- TELL ME WHY in London. The new campaign calls for more research into loss and complications in pregnancy and we heard from a number of experts to explain the progress that has [...]
Test Driving the Range Rover Velar
Introduced in 2018, the Range Rover Velar follows a fresh design path with a gorgeous shape revealing a long hood, sloping roofline, and big open wheel arches. Its designer even omitted door handles, which might detract visually from the gracious body lines. In fact, when I think of luxurious [...]
Child Obesity on the Rise. What can we do?
Earlier in the year, I appeared on Sky News alongside my two young children to talk about child obesity and what we can all do to help tackle it. Childhood obesity is one of the greatest challenges facing our society as well as our NHS. Latest statistics from the [...]