Inspiring Interview with Katie Malkinson
In today's interview, I had the pleasure of chatting to Katie Malkinson. Katie is the founder of Little Big Sports. A website that sells age specific sports equipment specially designed for children under the age of 12. The equipment they sell allows children to enjoy sport and develop the [...]
10 Netflix Shows to Watch Now
Billions of us are at home. We are busy messaging each other asking for advice on what is good on Netflix. Here’s my guide to help you get the best TV on Netflix UK and find the best things to watch. Here’s to spending more time watching a show [...]
Mother’s Day Movies to Watch with your Mama
For anyone who’s been stuck in the cinema sandwiched next to their mum which watching something like, The Wolf of Wall Street, you know how important it is to find the right kind of movie to watch with the parents at your side. Gulp! That’s why I have gone [...]
The Little Welly is Back!
We know that many kids love mud and if so, I have the perfect, family fun event just for you! Last year, I had the pleasure of partnering with The Little Welly and it's back by popular demand for 2020. As parents, we know that outdoor play is [...]
#EachforEqual for International Women’s Day 2020
Supporting and celebrating women’s rights is a year-round responsibility. But on International Women’s Day (IWD), which is on March 8, 2020 this year, it’s even more important to take a stand for women’s equality. International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call [...]
The Practice of Rest (it’s not easy)
By the time you read this, I will have a newborn baby and I’ve had a lot of messages over the last few weeks saying, “don’t forget to make sure you rest.” However, if you are anything like me, resting or sitting still is not something that comes [...]
Encouraging Girls to Play to their Best
Our daughter has always loved sport. Making the team has always been important to her. She is a good ‘all round’ player and a motivated teammate. However, on occasions where she has been bumped from one team to another, it has sometimes knocked her confidence. What was she doing [...]
Family Movies to Watch in 2020
It's always a treat to head to the movies, grab a tub of popcorn, and watch a movie together with the kids. For parents, this can also prove to be a treat. You night even sneak in a power nap - you know you want to! 2020 has a [...]
10 Helpful Books to Calm Anxious Kids
It has been a long time since we had a toddler in the house, so I am going to have to dust down what memories I have to power through these years once again. At times when my children are going through the various waves of emotions, books can [...]
My Top 10 Baby Products of 2020
As well as all the unconditional love, sleep deprivation and nappy changes, being a parent often brings about a sense of overwhelming confusion. I'll be honest, things seem to have changed alot since I had my first baby a decade ago! So what exactly does the baby need in [...]
The Importance of Rest
At thirty-nine weeks pregnant, I’ve had a lot of lovely text messages over the last few weeks saying, ‘don’t forget to make sure you rest.’ However, if you are anything like me, resting or sitting still is not something that comes naturally to me. In a world of busyness, [...]
Teens and Screens
My ten year old daughter announced this week that she knows what she wants for her eleventh birthday. "Oh yes, what's that sweetheart?" I replied. "my own mobile phone" she exclaimed. To be clear, being a woman in tech, I am surrounded by mobile phones every day. My daughter [...]
Untapping the Importance of Sport for Girls
I am often chatting about the importance of sport and exercise with my friend, triple jump Olympic athlete, Michelle Robinson (nee Griffith). Last September, she was in Doha for the World Athletics Championships as part of her connection with Women’s Sport – GiveMeSport. When I spoke to her on [...]
Downton Abbey – The Movie
If you were a regular Downton Abbey fan it would not have missed your radar that Downton Abbey came to UK cinemas in September 2019. Filming wrapped on the movie back in 2018 and it was announced in a Facebook post that read: "143 unforgettable scenes, 50 wonderful days, [...]
How to Manage Impostor Syndrome
According to the international Journal of Behavioural Science, some seventy percent of people are affected by imposter syndrome. We all get it – men and women. Someone says something, or you attend a meeting and it all goes over your head and suddenly you feel like a right fool, [...]
Getting cosy in winter is good for us
Winter is now in full swing and as our days get shorter and houses get colder, it is almost too easy to settle on the sofa and get cosy in the evenings. And the good news is, new research has revealed this is actually good for us! Dr Becky [...]
Inspiring Interview with Claire Skerrett, founder of Picniq
In this latest interview, I chatted to entrepreneur, Claire Skerrett, the founder of Picniq. A brilliant way to discover great family days out, events, festivals across the UK and Ireland as well as helping you to find local attractions in your area. Claire's business growth is impressive with over [...]
Finding Solace in Books
Did you know that some of the world’s most successful CEOs say reading is the key to their success? So, can we really afford not to read? In an interview with The New York Times in 2016, Bill Gates shared that he reads around fifty books per year. Reading [...]
Beach & Swimwear with Coco Bay
It might seem odd writing about beach and swimwear in winter but I wanted to introduce you to a brilliant company I have been working with this year called Coco Bay. As more brands think beyond strictly swimwear and are designing for that "resort" lifestyle—think easy, breezy pieces that [...]
When is the right time to quit?
I’ve often mentioned on my blog how we should always give something a go. I personally feel it is important to push yourself outside of your comfort zone at different stages of your life. We are often encouraged to try something new. But what happens when this something new [...]
10 things I’ve learned since turning 40
Some say, life begins at 40. You might find that becoming 40 may bring a few changes. The spotting of a few extra grey hairs in the mirror which seem to magically appear overnight. Creaky joints. How did that happen? Not to mention those extra laughter lines settling in [...]