We All Really Need a Break and How to Do it
I read somewhere on the news that after a year of so much disruption, what people said they wanted more than anything else, was travel. It didn’t seem to matter whether the travel was in their own country or abroad, the point was, people feel they needed a [...]
The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem on Console and PC
If you are anything like me, you may have grown up with The Addams Family gracing our screens. The creepy, kooky family have been entertaining us for over eight years. The ‘Addams Family’ timeless appeal has spanned generations with many fans loving the ubiquitous theme song and relating to the [...]
Keeping Families in Film Campaign with actress Charlotte Riley
Photo credit- Sky News As a mother of three and a businesswoman, I can only imagine that the requirement for childcare in the TV and film industry must be hard. Long hours and retakes must take its toll on those with young families, not to mention the constant [...]
Smiles all round with Smiggle
If you are a regular follower of the Guilty Mother blog, you’ll know we are big fans of Smiggle. We love Smiggle’s wide range of good value, colourful products to bring a smile to everyone’s faces. Not only do Smiggle offer original prints and world-first products but they also [...]
Zog and the Flying Doctors
Children love stories. They especially love to hear a story just before bedtime. Reading to children makes them love books and become readers themselves. Stories help children to learn many things such as how to listen and concentrate, new words and understand why things happen. They also learn [...]
Guest Blog – Daddy and the Two Bears
In this week's blog, I wanted to open the conversation on a difficult topic. The death of a child is devastating and often referred to as the worst experience a parent can endure. I can barely imagine the intense grief as parents digest the finality of never seeing [...]
An Interview with Hill & Ellis
In this week’s blog, I had the pleasure of interviewing Catherine Ellis, owner and founder of Hill & Ellis. In these challenging times, it is great to be speaking to entrepreneurs who are working hard to make changes and build a brilliant business at the time. Keen cyclist Catherine [...]
International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Tech and Innovation
The 11th February 2021 marks the 6th International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Technology and Innovation. Today, we take the opportunity to celebrate all those who work in these sectors and equally, all those who are working hard to bring through the next generation of girls in [...]
Christmas Gift Ideas with Smiggle
Smiggle is here to help you choose some Christmas gifts or stocking fillers to make your Christmas a little brighter. We are big Smiggle fans and they recently sent us a batch of goodies to review, which are all available both online and in their UK Smiggle stores. With [...]
Imposter Syndrome – why we should stop calling it that
We’ve all heard – and no doubt used – the term ‘imposter syndrome’. Many of us, especially women, relate to its meaning. However (ironically) the word ‘syndrome’ is quite the imposter when used in this context. Here’s why… The definition of syndrome is ‘a set of medical signs and [...]
YouTube Originals Spotlight series with Yammy
It is not every day that I come across someone who really strikes me. Yammy is one of those individuals. When I was initially asked if I would like to interview Yammy (Yasmin Uddin), I wondered what it would be like to chat to someone who has such a [...]
It’s Okay not be Okay with Author, Esther Marshall
In this week's blog, I interviewed author, Esther Marshall on her collection of children's books on mental wellbeing. Did you know that children’s social awareness and emotions can develop from as early as eighteen months old?Therefore, encouraging children to open up and talk about their emotions from a young [...]
How it feels to be a Business Coach with Jessica Rogers
In this week's blog, I caught up with Jessica Rogers, a business coach for entrepreneurs. Jess fascinates me, as, more so than ever in these difficult, and I hate to say it "unprecedented times", many of us are needing support. Jess is a leading business and executive coach here [...]
AD – Aptamil Profutura 2 Follow On Milk Review
As a mother of three, I am now used to the juggles of life as a busy mum. Now Nico is eight months old, he seems to be growing and changi...
AD – 3 Early Signs of Pregnancy with Emma’s Diary
My baby is four months old and I feel like this time has passed by in a flash. I was 5+ weeks by the time I took a pregnancy test. I coul...
AD – Getting Creative with Toucan Box
Many of us will agree; we have had plenty of screen time over the last three or four months during this pandemic. Now that the kids are f...
Autumn Coats to Wear and Love
Without stating the obvious, it's been quite a year hasn't it. Evenings are drawing in and quite honestly, loungewear has become the clot...
How we Mirror Others with Fiona Murden
I have always found the subject of mirroring to be fascinating. The way we mirror others and how we learn from others.We all do it. It’s ...
MUMBOSS – Thriving at Home and at Work with Vicki Broadbent
I had the pleasure of meeting Vicki in person back in 2017. I don't know where the years are disappearing to! I vividly remember sitting ...
Empowering Children with Power Thoughts – with Natalie Costa
Back in August 2020, I listened to Natalie Costa give some great advice to parents on an online zoom call for parents and caregivers. I w...
Top Tips for Baby Weaning
It is an exciting time in our household as Nico has turned seven months and last month, we started to introduce him to some foods, alongs...