The Blog

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807, 2016

Summer Mother

If you're heading for sunnier shores this summer, you might be feeling the pressure of getting 'beach ready'? Aside from all that plucking and waxing, what on earth does that mean? I’ll happily be ready for a beach anytime; but I have a secret. If we are talking about [...]

1706, 2016

The Other Mother

Many parents who work, male or female – or both, rely on childcare. It’s a constant hot topic of juggling with many relying on family members, nurseries, childminders, au pairs and nannies. As a working mum myself, I wanted to share some of my own experiences. As you would [...]

2605, 2016

Should Smartphones be banned for children under sixteen?

A recent article published in the national press has become a hot topic of conversation. Steve Hilton, a former adviser to David Cameron says he is so concerned about children accessing adult content on the internet, that he wants under 16-year-olds to be banned from having smartphones. Steve Hilton [...]

704, 2016

Ok, Guilty Mothers, so we all can’t resist a little bit of toilet humour, but I fear my son is taking this to the next level. Everything just seems to revolve around words like poo in your pants, poopy pants, you’re a poo, pee in your pants, poo head, [...]

1803, 2016

Grumpy Kids

Arrrrrrrhhh, the eighties. I just cannot resist getting all nostalgic when I reflect on how things were just so...simple. It started when my daughter asked if she could have the shoes with wheels for her next birthday. We are having this conversation very early as her birthday is not [...]

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