How the Olympics can inspire Kids Confidence
I wonder what it’s like to be an Olympian and how wonderful that medal must feel? And even if you didn’t win a medal, wouldn’t it be an amazing achievement just to represent your country. Whatever the outcome, many of us have the drive inside to win; to do [...]
The Nineties are Back
Good news folks. The nineties are back. I didn’t think it could happen but history is repeating itself. It seems that we can't just get enough of the good old days. Welcome back to a worn in pair of Doc Martens, high waisted jeans and your favorite flannel shirt. [...]
Let’s Talk about Spanx Baby
Wedding season is upon us and it seems highly appropriate to talk about Spanx. I remember my first time wearing them for a friends wedding. I was hot, I was sticky and wondered how long I could keep these damn things on. By the time we sat down for [...]
Reliving Childhood Memories
Millions of us just can’t resist reliving childhood holiday memories. When we come to planning a family holiday, it would seem that us Brits are a nostalgic bunch. For many of us, our favourite memories as a child will relate to a holiday, so perhaps it’s no surprise [...]
Summer Mother
If you're heading for sunnier shores this summer, you might be feeling the pressure of getting 'beach ready'? Aside from all that plucking and waxing, what on earth does that mean? I’ll happily be ready for a beach anytime; but I have a secret. If we are talking about [...]
My Daughter Hates Frozen
We all love a good, uplifting kids film. Everyone sitting together either at the cinema or at home with a tub of popcorn, ready in anticipation to enjoy another kids’ movie. When we first went to see Frozen, my daughter really enjoyed it. In fact, it wasn’t just my [...]
The Other Mother
Many parents who work, male or female – or both, rely on childcare. It’s a constant hot topic of juggling with many relying on family members, nurseries, childminders, au pairs and nannies. As a working mum myself, I wanted to share some of my own experiences. As you would [...]
Insta Wonder Women
Love it or hate it, Instagram is changing lives. They say a picture tells a thousand words and like me, millions of people choose to share their personal lives through Instagram every day. Not only do we share our stories online, but we also enjoy the vibrant visuals that [...]
Soft Play – Heaven or Hell?
My children love soft play. Unfortunately, I don’t. When the rain starts to fall, a soft play centre is the parents ‘go to’ place. And just like me, everyone else thought it was a great idea to turn up here. I mean, why wouldn’t it be? The wonderful sounds [...]
A Digital Mum
Technology has become such is a big part of our lives. Although some people may focus on some of the negative elements, from a business perspective it’s made us more mobile than ever before. Allowing more parents to have flexible working from home, or indeed, from anywhere in the [...]
Should Smartphones be banned for children under sixteen?
A recent article published in the national press has become a hot topic of conversation. Steve Hilton, a former adviser to David Cameron says he is so concerned about children accessing adult content on the internet, that he wants under 16-year-olds to be banned from having smartphones. Steve Hilton [...]
A Mothers Love of Stripes
As mothers, we just can’t go wrong with a stripy ‘Breton’ top, navy blue jeans and white converse. Effortless, simple and stylish. It really is our mummy ‘go to’ outfit for everyday or a weekend favourite. In fact, it’s fair to say that few designs or trends have become [...]
Explaining Death to a 4 Year Old
I must admit, as I look around me, I know I am very fortunate that many of my family members are still around. They have been able to watch me grow into a mature (or sometimes not so mature) mother and watch my children grow. A death in the [...]
You can find me In Da Club
I recently received a text from a friend that because she hadn’t made a new year’s resolution, she decided to make a late one now. The decision was that she wanted us mothers to have more nights out. And she means - proper nights out. You know the ones, [...]
Too old to give up on childhood dreams?
I was recently reading in the Yorkshire Post that amazingly, almost nine out of ten Brits believe it’s never too late to follow your dreams. A survey of 2,000 adults found that secretary turned author, J K Rowling was amongst the most inspirational Brit. Seeing other inspiration people means [...]
Perfect Mother? No Thanks
I am currently on a business trip in Abu Dhabi. I am surrounded by a group of sixteen fun and motivated individuals which is making the trip even better. Talking over lunch and dinner we try not to talk too much about work and instead focus on more casual [...]
Where are the Kids?
Picture the scene. It’s Easter Sunday and I was preparing a lovely roast dinner lunch for my family. My husband, who is currently training for a 100k Trailwalker challenge for Oxfam, which he will complete in July 2016, went out for a four-hour training walk. Yes, you heard that [...]
Grown Up Breaks. Without the Darlings…
My husband said he wanted to head to the slopes for the long weekend as a belated birthday treat. I told him it sounded like a terrific idea. I said the children will be so excited. My husband corrected me. He said “I meant just you and me. Not [...]
Grumpy Kids
Arrrrrrrhhh, the eighties. I just cannot resist getting all nostalgic when I reflect on how things were just so...simple. It started when my daughter asked if she could have the shoes with wheels for her next birthday. We are having this conversation very early as her birthday is not [...]
Naked Sauna? No Thanks, I’m British
On a recent trip to the stunning Austrian alps, we soaked in the mountain air and kicked back in a beautiful, traditional Austrian hotel. The people are so friendly and Hans couldn’t have done any more to make us feel welcome. My husband suggested that we make the most [...]