Earlier this week, the Daily Mail seemed to go all out to get the “slummy mummies” – a group of women who have been misunderstood. According to the Mail, these bloggers get a thrill out of boasting about their negligent parenting. The article has stirred up a hornets’ nest [...]
Superhero Snacks
It's fair to say that growing kids often get hungry between meals. Especially when they are tearing around the garden as superheroes. Sometimes it can feel like a real challenge to find healthy snacks to power our little ones through the day. And although in the past I would [...]
#TeenTalk with Gabby Logan
Puberty is tough. Many of us will remember our first experience of shaving our legs. It was a disaster, right? I shaved my legs for the first time, in secret, with a blunt razor and no soap. I managed to remove most of the top layer of my skin [...]
Top Tips for Flying with Kids
Ahh!....a nice relaxing flight to start the holiday, or that’s what we all envisage in our minds, right? We spend months and months planning the perfect trip and we just can’t wait to get there. It starts with the packing and I can already find my stress levels rising. [...]
Sun or Snow? How to Uncover your Perfect Family Holiday
Most of us look forward to a holiday. I mean, what’s not to like? An opportunity to step away from our everyday lives and reconnect with the people that we love. A time to relax, recharge and ultimately, enjoy ourselves. And wherever you decide to travel to, I believe [...]
When Nature Calls
Hurrah. It’s another bank holiday weekend and the sun is shining. The kids have finally cracked out a pair of shorts. My goodness, these children are so optimistic. I love this time of the year. The sun streaming through the trees, sunglasses on and my Instagram feed is suddenly [...]
The Wonder of Sleep
Feeling tired? Well, you're not alone. We could all do with a little more shut eye. It turns out, us Brits are under-sleeping by at least an hour every night, the equivalent of a whole night’s sleep over the course of a week. I was recently reading an article [...]
Confidence Capes
Do you remember when you were a young kid and how we all love to pretend we are superheroes? Come on, don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. My brother and I wore tea towels as superhero capes as it was the best we could do at [...]
A Brief Encounter
Guilty Mothers – it’s official. After decades of discomfort, women have finally cracked. Thongs are out and big pants are back. This is exciting news. No more chafing and I’m so pleased to be a middle aged woman who is bang ‘on trend’. It’s been a whole year since [...]
Losing my Va Va Voom
What plans do you have for Valentine’s Day next week? On the international day of romance, I have none. As I walk past the numerous card shops in the town, I roll my eyes. The window display is awash with red hearts and teddy bears. I can hardly bare [...]
Girl Power is more than just a Phrase
I’ve always been a strong believer in girl power and no matter how many people may think it’s not important; it really is. This was a topic covered throughout Michelle Obama’s position as former First Lady and a subject most close to her heart. She believed that The United [...]
Gin and On It
‘Hitting the town' is never as easy as it used to be. Firstly, it’s the simple of matter of getting a date in the diary. Never have we known this to be so difficult. How did we all just become so busy? When we start a text message group, [...]
Why we all need a ‘Hugge’
I don’t know if it’s just me, but if feels like everyone keeps mentioning the buzz word of the moment 'hugge’; the Danish word, pronounced "hoo-ga". It’s a lovely word which translates into English as ‘cosiness” and to be honest, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside just [...]
Glass Ceilings
The US election felt like it dragged on for a lifetime and at last, it has finally reached its climax. And, excuse the pun, but in light of the word, climax, after a huge build up, it came and went in the blink of an eye. But what [...]
Time-Out (for Parents, not the kids)
When you say to your children ‘go to your room!’, wouldn’t you secretly love it if someone told you that? I would happily go and sit in my bedroom, on my own, for at least 30 minutes; I may enough nod off! But in all honesty, can you remember [...]
The Reality of Being a Working Mother
A working, guilty mother. Sure. That’s me and like many working mothers, I juggle – a lot. But before I go on about how ‘busy’ I am, I should express that this is my choice. I’ve been working since I was sixteen after going into business with my brother, [...]
Flying The Nest
Now, as they fly off to the next part of their journey, fully equipped with as many random and practical items as you can think of, including a colander and 3 pack of wooden spoons and a doorstop! You wonder how this time has crept up on you so [...]
The Floordrobe
Clothes. We all know that we have too many of them. Along with my many stripy Breton tops, I am aware that I have too many clothes to fit in my wardrobe. The space is getting tighter and tighter as I cram another grey jumper into it. I’m conscious [...]
Ladies…sometimes feel like an Imposter?
I have been researching some interesting articles on the term ‘imposter syndrome’. The feeling when you are sitting in a meeting and giving a presentation, you have captured everyone’s attention and you can’t help but feel like there is a big flashing arrow above your head saying ‘fraud’. This [...]
Telly Addicts
Many of us look forward to sitting down for the night in front of the telly and it is our way of relaxing as soon as the children are asleep. Or after we have gone back up and down the stairs to sort the kids out no less than [...]
Are we getting better with age?
Many of us strive to continually look younger and for some, it becomes an obsession. At an eightieth birthday party last month, I questioned my ageing self. As the young women stood there in their denim hot pants, crop tops and platform shoes accompanied with glowing, youthful skin, I [...]