I had the pleasure of meeting Vicki in person back in 2017. I don’t know where the years are disappearing to! I vividly remember sitting on the sofa with her in the Haymarket Hotel in London and she told me she was writing a book. We talked about mum guilt and she said “don’t worry Jo. I’ve got plenty to cover on mum guilt in the book! I’ve got it covered!” I am so pleased to share her book with you all. This is the second UK edition of her bestselling book, MUMBOSS. A massive congratulations to Vicki Broadbent on her marvellous book on surviving and thriving at home and at work!
Vicki, congratulations on the second release of your book, MUMBOSS. What was the inspiration behind the book?
It was the book I wish had been around when I first started blogging back in 2010: a handbook that details every element of setting up a digital business or returning to work with greater confidence. The book shares actionable advice on various subjects from overcoming the imposter syndrome to finding your voice, and making money online.
The book is highly practical too, spanning SEO, accounts, PR and more. I interview many experts within it, as well as working parents who share their wisdom and personal stories overcoming adversity and finding success. Covid has accelerated digitisation so there’s never been a better time than now in which to upskill and pivot. The second edition will help support those making the leap.
You cover so many important topics in your chapters. Could you please give us a quick summary of what the book is about and what topics you cover?
The book is anecdotal and personal as I share mine and other fellow parents’ journeys in both parenting and business but MUMBOSS Is also a resource you can flick back and forth through, returning as you evolve, to based on your growing needs. Readers often tell me that the book has inspired them to leave careers they’d felt unhappy in for years, giving them the know-how and push to starting up e-shops or monetising their Instagram for example. I’ve demystified a lot of the industry in the book, and have shared exactly how you can create a fulfilling, flexible and well paid career online. There are also tips for those returning to work after maternity leave or a career break.

When I was reading the book, the topic of mum guilt always makes an appearance! How have you managed the mum guilt in the past and what is your best advice for helping it wash over us a little more?
It’s a common problem isn’t it as parents want to be everything to their children, but we really do need to cut ourselves some slack. I think acknowledging and accepting that parental guilt is inevitable but equally futile, is key. Every parent throughout time has had to make sacrifices and compromises and we can but try our best.
Age and experience has changed my mindset when it comes to guilt to be honest. 10 years on, my schedule is intentionally less hectic (I work less but smarter) and the beauty of a digital career is that it works around you and your family. I found TV directing inflexible when I had my first son and experienced far more guilt than working remotely and on my own terms, blogging.
I wrote a post here on the changes I’ve put into place lately: ,https://honestmum.com/almost-midlife-musings-on-how-ive-changed-as-i-approach-40/
In these difficult, uncertain times, could this also be a good opportunity for more women to set up their own business from their kitchen table in the same way you have?
Absolutely. Covid has speeded up digitisation and next comes automation meaning sadly many more jobs will be lost. However, those with digital skills or who embark on learning those will benefit as greater positions online will and are already arising with brands focusing on online advertising. We’re at a pivotal moment historically; the digital revolution is in full swing.

How has your community grown over the years; and what do you think it is that your readers enjoy so much about your blog?
The blog has a worldwide audience which is wonderful and something unimaginable really, even a decade on. The craziest thing was being able to reconnect long lost family members in Australia and Manchester after a reader got in touch over a recipe my Dad had given me on the blog. We really do live in a small world and websites; blogs and social media can bring people together from one side of the world to the other!
My readers seem to like the variety of the blog (from recipes to interviews) but my most read posts are always the personal pieces. Meeting followers on a year long UK book tour was eye-opening, it made my career seem real (if not hyper-real). I still imagine to this day that it’s just my Mum who reads my blog as in the beginning!
Pinterest has been an incredible platform for me, I usually reach a million people there a month (around 3 million across social and the blog) and mostly in the US which helps drive traffic back to my blog. My career has come full circle on reflection as I was a director and filmmaker pre blogging and I moved to producing content I also appear in, and in the last 5 years have moved into TV broadcasting. I love that the online world is a passport to so anything and everything, including providing me with the opportunity to have written MUMBOSS. The book is out in the US and Canada in October with the new name, The Working Mom. My plans to party with friends in LA have now been scuppered but I’m grateful my publishers and particularly my editor, Jillian Young believe in the book, and me, so much.
What’s coming next for Honest Mum or any exciting news you can share with us?
My business partners Lucy Griffiths and Jack Freud and I, have set up the Working Mother’s Academy to help educate and support parents to work online, with video courses on confidence, Instagram and blogging as a business as well as a social media tool kit to help you content create and curate easily online. You can find out more here: ,https://www.workingmothersacademy.com/
Buy the book here: ,https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mumboss-Honest-Guide-Surviving-Thriving/dp/0349416699
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